Friday, 25 July 2008

SMSA-ians Gathering....

Thanks for those who come and brought food. You all made my day & I am really sure that after this gathering we might not see each other for a long time again. Back to school, work, uni & etc etc.

For so long I have not feel this happy & laugh this hard... I feel belong again! Next year, we should do it somewhere else and during weekend lah ah~~ So we can do it earlier, you know curfew bah mun buat di rumah2 ani... Weng~ To my parents we are all still kids, normal lah tu Parents kan...

Thanks to those who come and brought the food and yg bawa parut kosong:

Guys: The big guys: Jason, Nabil, Agym & Gmax (jgn ijap aku drive bahhh). Razdy (ko jahat!), Omar (ko pun jahat sama aku!!!), Syaza, Jambri, Nazmi, Aiman, Nirul, Bob, Hambri, G-min, Huffy

Girls: Pij, Aimi, Waniks (You are still one hot momma!), Wan "Coke" - (ampit kah ko tadi?), Stels, Didah, Amoy, Zaty Horsey, Efna (bila ice-cream ah?)

Did I forget anyone?? If I do, I'll add your names up sooner, don't worry.

Special thanks to: Nurul & Atan, Anti Siah, my mom too

Pictures pending... :) Well I think I'll update on this sooner...

Thanks for the nights you all SMSA-ians -- it meant a lot to me and everybody else! :D many thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!