Sunday, 20 July 2008

To my Dearest Friend

There are many things we do not understand in this life... I usually don't.

To fall in love is so easy~ but to keep on loving someone is never been easy. Keep your spirit high & do not change a thing about you coz changes do not make anything any perfect... Time will tell what our "other" side of life should be.

To someone (you know who you are) -- I do not need to be blamed for not telling you about all this plans. You are not even left out by me. It was a plan & about to tell everybody. You are not the last person to know. We all would love to have you there with us if there is any possibilities! I am really sorry from the bottom of my heart... All I hope is you not to think I left you out. All of my friends are my priorities. Somehow, you thought I ditched you... That hurt me the most! Whatever you think the gathering is all about -- it is just to get all of us together like before, coz I miss those times.! Don't push and make it harder for me. Sorry... :(